Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Steps to Declutter Your Mind

I walked into the kitchen this morning, turned around immediately, then groggily went back to bed where I decided to sleep in a bit longer and avoid the dishes altogether. Laying there for a moment I decided that I must attend to even the little things, and the sooner I get it done, the better I'll feel about the situation in the sink.
I pulled out my laptop, turned on a DJ Kutski hard dance playlist and began washing like a madman. When did my wife and I acquire all these dishes? What is this pink stuff, we've not eaten anything pink recently? Who knew cheese was really a cheap epoxy glue?
Finished. It took me 40 minutes to wash, scrub, chisel, sandblast, and place into the dishwasher all of the dishes that I'd helped make their home in the sink in the first place. Relieved.
How did I let all these dishes build up like this? Currently, I am finding many things in my life a cluttered mess like those dishes. I let a busy work and school schedule overwhelm me and fail to remain organized and plan out my days. It's time to declutter immediately and to simplify my life.

Here are the ten steps I will be using to overcome the clutter.
1. Breathe. So simple, and yet so effective. Sit down and focus on your breathing whenever you can.
2. Now. Forget about the past, stop worrying about the future. Keep your focus on today, this second, now. Live for the moment and never let a precious second go to waste.
3. Write it down. When it seems like you don't have enough time and you have too many things on your plate write it all down and plan from there. Organizing our thoughts on paper will allow us to relax and keep our hectic lives less chaotic. Your goal is to identify essential tasks and eliminate things that can really wait.
-Identify the essential. Identify what is most important for you to do today and what you must focus on right now. Make a short list and put your planner or that $1.99 app you bought months ago to good use.
-Eliminate. Remove the non essential tasks that can be done another day or break them up so that they become more manageable.
6. Sleep. Are you getting enough sleep? Are those late nights on Facebook or trying to study last minute for an exam really helping your cause? Sleeping allows your body to rest and recover. When you don't have enough sleep your health suffers. Some people require 7 hours, others need 9, so know your own body and what it requires to feel energized and revitalized each day. Hit the sac sooner than later.
7. Exercise. Become aware of your physical abilities and exercise daily. If this means lifting 5 pound dumbbells or walking for 15 minutes because that is all you can do then DO it. Make exercising a priority and see how much it can change your life. See my wife's blog for some great exercise ideas and tips: 
8. Appreciate the world around you. Next time you're out walking to a destination or taking the trash out, STOP! Stop and appreciate the world around you and take a minute to appreciate the beauty of this world. Gaze at the stars in the night time sky, watch a bug crawl around, or spend a moment observing the way the neighbors tree is growing. When you begin to appreciate the beauty of the world at large, all those little things you stress about or that cause you anxiety aren't such a problem anymore.
9. Let go. Worrying about something? Angry or frustrated with someone? Digging up the past? Harboring a grudge? While these are all natural emotions and thoughts, none of them are really necessary. Do your best to let go of them. This can be very difficult, but is very rewarding.
10. Declutter the external. Clean and organize your home. Put things away or find places for them. Like the dishes in my sink, I felt much better when they were clean and put away. Do this to your home and you're more likely to be productive, rid yourself of procrastination, and succeed at many things.

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